Baby shoe maker, book binder, 6 foot tall clamshell creator

I have felt called to create from my earliest memories. As young as 6, I started watercolor painting gravel rocks and trying to sell them to anyone who walked by our house. I did eventually move onto to more quality materials and learn a thing or two as I earned a BFA in Industrial Design. I have worked as a Prop Master for theatre productions, started a bookbinding business and authored an online bookbinding course, created a leather baby shoe and accessories business, commissioned bespoke quilts, and become a certified nail technician.
I absolutely love to create. I'm always mentally dissecting things I see, and wondering if there is a way to make it more functional, or improve the form and beauty. I have had expansive opportunities in a variety of fields and scale.
My all-encompassing business, Kate Cannon Studio, is an effort to bring it all under one roof. Kate Cannon Studio was created with the intention of building community; whether through our collective passions, our nail art, bespoke apparel, wearing a handcrafted garment, or showing appreciation through using a cozy quilt. I also create self-care items to support healthy hand and nail care.
Come join the community with Kate Cannon Studio!